Operating Instructions

Add Note

  • Action: Click the plus button on the interface.
  • Function: Opens a new note editing window, ready for input.
Add Note

Edit Note

  • Action: Input content in real-time within the note editing window.
  • Function: Supports Markdown syntax, such as headers, lists, checklists, etc.
  • Sync Status: Displays the current note's sync status in the top right corner.
Edit Note

AI Content Generation

  • Action: After configuring the AI's token, click the AI generation button in the bottom right corner or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J to generate content.
  • Function: Automatically generates note content, assisting users in quickly creating content.
AI Content Generation

Add Tags

  • Action: In the note, input #tag to add a tag.
  • Function: Facilitates categorizing and searching notes by tags later.
Add Tags

Archive Note

  • Action: Click the archive button on the interface.
  • Function: Moves the current note to the archive folder, no longer displayed on the main interface.
Archive Note

Browse and Search Archived Notes

  • Action: Click the browse button in the top right corner.
  • Function: Opens the archived notes browsing interface, supports sorting by time and keyword search (keywords separated by spaces).
Browse and Search Archived Notes

Add Tags to Archived Notes without Tags

  • Action: In the archived notes browsing interface, select notes without tags to categorize them with tags.
  • Function: Helps organize and categorize archived notes, making them easier to find later.
Add Tags to Archived Notes